Free Economic Zone

The Free Economic Zone is a special economic zone established by the Republic of Korea to promote domestic investment by foreign companies through complexes development. Currently, 9 locations of them including the Gyeonggi Free Economic Zone have been designated and operated across the country.

Gyeonggi Free Economic Zone Authority

Located in the center of the Yellow Economic Belt, the GGFEZ is being developed into three districts around the Pyeongtaek Port including the Siheung Baegot District for researching and developing unmanned ground/underground/aerial vehicles, the Poseung (BIX) District, Pyeongtaek, and Hyeondeok District for high-tech and distribution businesses.

Business status by district

Business status by district
District Name Area Project Cost Project Period Attracting Businesses Category Remarks (Developer)
Poseung (BIX) District, Pyeongtaek 2.04㎢ KRW 770.2 billion won 2008-2020 Vehicle component, logistics, electronics, chemistrycals, etc. Gyeonggi Housing and Communities Corporation
Hyeondeok District, Pyeongtaek 2.32㎢ KRW 750 billion won 2008~2021 Distribution, commerce, housing, tourism, medical, etc.
Baegot District, Siheung 0.88㎢ KRW 1,668 billion won 2020~2027 R&D on unmanned vehicle, education, medical care, etc. Siheung City, Seoul National University

Location Map